I love a good box set. Designing them uses technique and experience to create a slice of life in a satisfying way. Fitting each set seamlessly into the space they are staged in is an art that rewards applying model-making and ground-plan skills.
The most interesting rooms to design are ones that tell a lot about the people in the story, such as the Younger’s home in A Raisin in the Sun, or Jule’s bunker – as seen by his fish- in boom!, the sibling’s cherished family home in Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike!, and in Carter Lewis’s With, the place where Clifford and Minnie spent 60 years of marriage leading up to the events of the play.
Click on the images in the gallery for more info about each show, including a model photo for most of these projects. You can also see more of my designs of architectural spaces and interiors here and here.
Circle Mirror Transformation at Perseverance Theatre